We strongly encourage you to be an active participant in your healthcare. Please click on any of the links below for access to current and reliable information on a variety of health topics. Please note that Mountain View Family Physicians does not endorse the sale of any product on these websites nor do we have any financial link to them.
American Academy of Family Physicians | www.familydoctor.org
Patient information on a variety of health topics. Great patient education handouts available.
Patient Handouts & Self-Care Charts
Mayo Clinic | www.mayoclinic.com
Medical and health information tools for healthy living.
American Diabetes Association | www.diabetes.org
Detailed information for patients with diabetes.
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics | www.eatright.org
Comprehensive nutritional information
Meal Planning & Weight Control
We do not endorse specific commercial programs and recommend getting healthy nutritional information from both the American Diabetes Association (ADA), and the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics both listed above.
Some patients need more help to treat medical problems through weight loss.
There are a number of bariatric physicians and surgeons in the greater Phoenix area to whom we refer patients who need “hands-on help”.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | www.cdc.gov
Information on immunizations, infectious diseases, travel health, and much more.
Traveler’s health and destinations | www.cdc.gov/travel
Destinations, travel notices, mobile apps for the traveler and more!
Kids Health | www.kidshealth.org
Includes health resources, articles, animations and games for parents, teens and children.
The American Heart Association | www.americanheart.org
The American Cancer Society | www.cancer.org