Yes, all of our providers are licensed physicians.
We encourage patients to see their primary care physician as this is important for continuity of care. If you have an urgent matter and your physician is not available to see you, you may be scheduled with one of our other physicians.
Same day appointments are usually available for urgent matters.
To reach your physician, you may call the office and leave a message with your doctor’s medical assistant. Please note, we do not diagnose or treat over the phone, so if you have a medical problem, please call the office to schedule an appointment.
Yes, our physicians do routine gynecologic exams as well as ordering of any related tests such as mammograms, bone density tests, STD screening, etc.
No, our physicians do not deliver babies. We are happy to assist you with a referral to an OB/GYN if you are pregnant.
Yes, most of our family physicians treat infants, children and adolescents.
Yes, our physicians would be happy to see your whole family.
Typically, your physician will provide you with enough refills to last until your next appointment. If you are due for a medication refill, you are likely due for an appointment. If you are requesting a refill, we ask that you contact your pharmacy at least 48 hours before you need your medication.
Please call the office to schedule an appointment to discuss your referral.
We ask that you provide 24 hours notice if you must cancel your appointment. This allows us to offer that appointment time to another patient. If you must cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice or if you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, you may be charged a fee.
Yes, but you will be expected to pay for services at the time of your visit.
Click here to open our Medical Release Form. Complete the form online, then print and sign it. Mail or fax the completed form to our office (Attn: Medical Records Department). This form can also be used to request that records from outside facilities be forwarded to Mountain View Family Physicians.
Please see the “Insurance” section of our Web site.
Any insurance companies have a 24-hour nurse’s line which you can call for medical advice after hours. Please reference your insurance card for this number. If you are in need of medical care, please proceed to the nearest emergency room or urgent care and contact our office the next business day to schedule a follow-up appointment with your physician. Click here for a list of local urgent care facilities and hospitals/emergency rooms.